Monday, August 11, 2008

Since Ai-chan is having a really bad internet connection ( poor thing Ai-chan) and Celyn is not in school, i'll fill in for them ( third post and still counting ! ).

Today's MathLUNATICS was the 4th period. Dearest Pn. A decided to give us the ADDICTional MathLUNATICS diagnostic test. Wait ! Ithought its MathLUNATICS during that period, why suddenly ADDICTional MathLUNATICS diagnostic ?! Blurr~ Continue : Pn. A distributed the question paper and answer sheet to us and left us ALONE ( what happens when 4U students are left alone in class ? GG-fied ) in class ! ( Where did she go anyway ? ) As usual, we the GOODY-TWO-SHOES of 4U student's started discussing answer with one another ! Briliant isn't it ?

At the beginning, everyone really concentrated then something had evoke us ! BLUENESS had reappeared, surrounding us and taking control of us ! Mama Pervert ( Alia aka Goldie) and Porn Star ( Vanny ) had started creating "clean" phrases, this time in Malay ! Woots~ If i'm not mistaken, it's "Bang, dalam lagi !" ( correct me if i'm wrong cause i wasn't paying attention to what's happening, busy girl-talking on the other side ). Besides that, half the class had praised and worshiped Vanny for her cool post on " How to Survive CheMISERY, for Dummies ! ". P.S. read it or you'll regret it. Who knows that Vanny was such a writter ? Well, now all will recognise her ! Bravo~

When Pn. A was back, she straight away started giving answer. OMG ! Everyone was too busy BLUE-ing, we actually forgot about the diagnostic ! This is what we call SYOK SENDIRI ! Anyway, Pn. A gave us the answers to check with ours and i think half of class end up tembak-ing when answers are given ! Fuiyoh, very SS.

After recess, we're having English. Mrs. K came in with 3 other "kakak" from University Malaya. Just so you know, they are doing a little survey on " PMS and Dysmenorrhoea ". There are 15 pages needed to be answer and we're also given this yellow pen. Hmm..the content of the survey was okay but words like " teruja " made us remember what happen back in the past ( read older post ). Bla bla bla..survey about 20 minutes and the president ( G-Wei ) SS take her own sweet time to answer taking up even more time ( I did not did that purposely to take up English period ! Innocent okay~). Finally, all survey are handed in and lessons are resume as usual.

Today's English lesson, teacher introduced us Jazz Chant. What is it ? Trust me, majority of us only heard of it today ! The tempo is tap..tap..tap..tap.. Teacher called Stress Queen ( Yann Lin ) a million time before she answers her. Wondering what is in her mind ? O.o SQ brought the radio to class from Mrs. K table and teacher play a CD. Jazz Chant entitled " I Have A Headache ". Lyrics are provided infront and this is it ( managed to copy it, phew~ ) :

I Have A Headache

Head, head, I have a headache.
I have a headache.
And my eyes hurt !

Stomach, stomach, I have a stomachache.
I have a stomachache.
And I have the flu !

Ear, ear, I have an earache.
I have an earache.
And I have a fever !

Tooth, tooth, I have a toothache.
I have a toothache.
And a sore throat !

Back, back, I have a backache.
I have a backache.
And my knee hurts !

I have a headache, I have an earache,
A toothache, a backache,
And a sore throat.

My eyes hurt, my knee hurts, I have a stomachache,
I have a fever,
And I have the flu !

Oh, dear. Next, please !

Okay, prime time people ! PhySICKS is up ! We can hear Emo Queen ( TONG ) saying, " Cepatlah, Mr. H** waiting for you all ! " So we flew up to lab. OMG ! Today's lesson Chapter 5 : Light ! We were given mirrors, a plane mirror, concave and convex. S**T ! President was carried away, SS-ing at the back with the mirrors then Mr. H targeted her ( oh, dear me ! ) :

Mr. H : yes, u want to say something ?
G-Wei : ?
Mr. H : what's the different between virtue and real ?
G-Wei : Virtue is side way terbalik ( I don't get what i was saying either )
Mr. H : What terbalik-terbalik ?! ( He started explaining it again to the class @@ )

So, we did this little experiment concave lens.Transmitting IMAGE on the plank, not virtue okay~ Then, we used candle. Candle wax everywhere ! The back table got a little accident where SQ drop the cancel because the wax dripped on her hand, and when she drop it, wax SHOOT everywhere ! ( i became the victim of that accident ! ). Someone help me, i can hardly remember anything in PhySICKS, thanks to the distraction !

After class, we went back down to class and Alia ( Goldie ) and Ai-chan declared they have created a new song again..AGAIN !

Boleh curahnya,
Boleh kangkangnya,
Haiya H** lagi,
Teror PISTON nya !!!

My sexual needs
is killing me
inside !
I must confess
I still can feel !
Still can feel
When you don't F**K me
I lose my mind !!!

Give me your ARRGHHH !!

Put your piston into mine !

* Baby One More Time rhyme *
* created by Mama Pervert, ALIA aka GOLDIE ! *
* applause *

Oh yea, Alia is hosting an outting to CapSquare on Wednesday ! Comfirm who's going tomorrow with her ! Thank you~

Lots of love,

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