Wednesday, August 13, 2008

MIssing Bunny !


Name : Bunny [ Shermaine ]

Age : 16 years 1 month 5 days

Height : around 150cm

Last seen : Friday on the 8th of August 2008, 6.45pm after tuition wearing school uniform ( blue pinafore ) at the lrt station of Plaza Rakyat.

More information : Shermaine is last seen by Jia Wei and she was wtih her sister, Sharon because they were going home together by lrt. On the Saturday, Shermaine was absent without telling anyone. Fiona then received a phone call from shermaine saying that she wasn't coming to school on Monday and had asked Fiona to get homework for her. However, Shermaine continued being absent to school till today ! It's been 5 days and there is no news about her. Everyone tried to contact her but failed. Class teacher called her parents today, but it seems that the line was cut and phone wasn't switched on. Where could she be ? All of us are freaking worried !

Any information, please do contact anyone of us in 4U. Just contact anyone from our class, it really helps alot. Do not hesitate to inform us of any news, do not delay because we are really worried sick ! Please please help us find our missing Bunny ! All help are much appreciated and we are very thankful.

Jia Wei

representing members of 4U

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