Friday, October 31, 2008

class party cum deeparaya

it was THE BOMB! our class party i mean. it was so happening and so much drama. the only thing that ain't right is the location. we were placed in the classes behind the canteen which are so hot and they stink. even so, the spirits weren't dampened. once we were back in class after half an hour of chemistry, the noise level was beyond acceptable. i swear they were contributing a lot to noise pollution. i had to scream to talk to someone. when the music was turned on, it was worse. we were entertaining the canteen as well since it was so loud. anyhow, we had plenty on the table. everyone contributed something and was really a lot. and first time in history, a class actually cooked. not literally but actually cooked. with fire and pots and pans. even though it was only maggi noodles but it was really fun and amazing. this time, the party was a blast and before we left school. some of us actually had a game of drinking carbonated drinks the fastest. they actually finished 3 bottles straight and they did look kinda sick after that. anyhow, pictures and videos will be up soon by other bloggers since i don't have them. =D


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